2 months ago I came to the resolution to move an app I was working on from a droplet on Digital Ocean that was running Dokku. It was running well only that with the advent of the Digital Ocean App Platform which comes at a reasonable cost and is easier to deploy on, I felt it prudent to shift the code there. In addition, the Git-based deployment was a plus as I only had to push code to Github and everything is taken care of.
After the initial deployment was done, I had one requirement that I hadn't fulfilled. On the previous droplet, there was a Cron job responsible for sending notifications via Firebase to mobile clients and with the app platform, it would mean I making a worker which would incur an extra cost.
Initially, the cron job was hitting and endpoint but then Laravel has a cool schedule feature and I could remove the cron job. But the scheduler has a requirement where there needs to be a cron job running it. The other alternative is to have the scheduler running locally using the php artisan schedule:work
With this background and a number of searches, I came across a nifty solution which would enable running of the scheduler by editing the run command on the app platform interface as follows.
vendor/bin/heroku-php-apache2 public/ &
while true; do
echo "=> Running scheduler"
php artisan schedule:work || true;
echo "=> Sleeping for 60 seconds"
sleep 60;
To run the queue alone, the command can be edited to:
vendor/bin/heroku-php-apache2 public/ &
while true; do
echo "=> Running queue"
php artisan queue:work || true;
echo "=> Sleeping for 60 seconds"
sleep 60;